Sunday, May 6, 2012

Where do I being? What do I say? So much I want to say. But some may not want to hear. I'm starting this blog to see if it can give me some comfort to get my feelings out and hope that it helps to heal my heart, my open wounds that don't show on the surface, but are deep penetrating wounds. In the beginning it will probably be depressing to read, but I hope as time goes on, it will get better. I do have some happy things and good things in my life, that I have to focus on to get me through these trying times.

When we are young and growing up we invision our lives a certain way. Or at least I did. I would go to college, marry a man I adore and he adored me, have several children and love life. I knew there would  be ups and downs, but wow did I get more than I even could've dreamed of. I did go to college to be a RN and it has been a great career for me. I did marry a man I adored and we had a beautiful daughter Talisa, who has brought more joy to my life than I ever imagined. After 7 1/2 years found my self a single mother. It was a very difficult time in my life, but I did it. There were times taking her to day care at 6 am which was hard. But we got through it. Remarried a wonderful man Rex several years later and found my self moving to Texas, I had prayed to meet somone great, but I didn't pray to move to Texas and moving away from my family. It was a new experience in it self to remarry and move so far away. He was great and tried so hard to make everything wonderful. Was it easy no, was it worth it. YES. Marriage is a challenge each and everyday. It requires much effort and one hopes that the good days out weight the bad days. You learn to grow together and work hard through the good and the bad. We moved to Georgia worked hard, disappointments along the way. When I invisioned my life, it was never with only 1 child, but that's what I was blessed with. But thank goodness she has been so great in my life. I don't know what I would ever do without her.

Over the last 16 years, we had many ups and downs in our marriage and life, but until 2 years ago when the battle of our lives of fighting cancer started. So much I could say there, but I have written about it in the www.carringbridge/ Last Feb I had a feeling that we needed to go on a family vacation with Talisa and Blake, I just new in my heart that we had to go. I was afraid to face what I felt was to come in the the next year or so. My fears were correct when Rex's cancer came back in Sept. I am so thankful for the time we shared together on our cruise last May at this time.

We had just a great time and that was really the last time I saw Rex smile and laugh. He swam with sting rays. We walked on the beach and the ship and just spent quality time together, which I am so grateful for today.

Since then Talisa and Blake have had a beautiful boy named McCoy and I am so thankful I was able to be there when he was born and spend sometime with him. Thanks Talisa and Blake for allowing me to be a part of that special time. My heart was changed that day. So grateful for Rex's mother coming to stay with him so I could go to Utah. I'm so grateful that Rex was able to meet his sweet grandson before he left us. When McCoy was here Rex wanted to hold him as much as he could. He fed him, burped him and rocked him. McCoy fell asleep in his arms many times. Rex bought him a pocket knife long before he was born and insisted in buying him his first 22 rifle. Rex made a video to McCoy that I hope McCoy will know how much he loved him, even though he didn't get to know his grandpa Rex.

When Rex began to get sicker in January, I knew his time on earth was getting shorter and it was so hard to watch him be in pain and I prayed he would not suffer. We talked about what would come in the future and I told him I would be ok. As it got closer he began to suffer and it tore my heart out. Unless you were here or have gone through this, you truly have no idea how it tares your heart out. I prayed for him to go and quit suffering, but when the day came, I was not ready. It is so hard to put in to words. I had music playing for Rex most of the time. He loved music. As time was getting closer for him to leave this earth, I lay next to him in the bed and the song "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban was playing when he passed. We both loved that song. I was alone with him, but friends and family came to my side quickly. I am so greatful for my close friends and family who were by Rex's side when he was ill and remain by my side today. I don't know what I would do without you. And some have truly disappointed me and hurt me.  The last few months have been harder than I even imagined. And I don't know what I would do without my good friends and family. Love you so much. I am forever grateful.

For some reason the last few weeks have been very hard and I find my self so emotional that it is hard to be around people and talk on the phone. I am trying to do the best I can. I feel my wounds are deep and many have told me it takes along time for them to heal.  I pray that the Lord will continue to help me and guide me through this Journey. Sometimes I feel totally alone. It is a new experience for me everyday. So I just try keep on moving.

Hopefully not all my posts will be so depressing. But right now I'm just keeing it real.



  1. I'm glad you started a blog. Don't worry about it being depressing. It's your story and your feelings, and those feelings are valid. I know that for me writing has been very healing, and even helped me to see the blessings in the midst of the trials. That will come. Just keep your head up and keep doing the best you can. Know you are loved and that better days will come.

  2. This is so great and i hope it brings you the peace you are so longing for! I pray your wounds heal, they will in time! And no one expects you to be okay yet! Let yourself truly heal and know that your Father in heaven is mindful and He will always be with you, as will Rex! Love you!

  3. Never apologize for keeping it real... we all should keep it real and if people don't want to read it then they don't have to! Thanks for sharing... it's been a long time since I've seen you and I was just young but the way you do keep it real makes me feel like it hasn't been long. You have been through so much. You deserve to be happy. Prayers for some peace and happiness for you!


  4. My sweet sweet Tauna.....I Love you So very much. I am So so so sorry that you are going through this in your life. Though you may feel are not :) The lord is ALWAYS with you I promise. I cannot even begin to understand the pain of your fresh wounds but they ARE healing though you feel only more pain than before. I really do believe with all my heart that you are a very strong and loving can make it through this Tauna....I know you can. Rex is so very happy right now, I can't even imagine what it is like to be where he is :) Get priesthood blessings when you can and think of all the good in your your sweet grand baby that you get to watch grow up and love on. Im sure you are a WONDERFUL grandma and have so many fun adventures that await you :) I LOVE you!!!!

  5. Tauna, you are truly an amazing woman! Your strength and courage absolutely amazes me! I can't imagine what you're going through, but please know you're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry that I haven't been a better friend to you during this time, but I have continued to pray for you. If there is anything I can do for you, please call. If you need to just sit and rock Saydie, you're welcome anytime!! God bless you, my fcriend and I love you!!
