Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Feeling some panic!!!! Not quiet sure why, except in a month from tomorrow, the moving truck will be loaded, house cleaned and moving out of the state of Texas. Feeling overwhelmed. Still waiting to see if the buyers of my house excepted my counter offer. Looking around at all I still need to pack and sell, putting stuff on craigslist. Still dealing with all the stuff my husband collected. Will it all fit where I'm going, will I fit in where we are going? How about finances? What about a job? Saying goodbyes!!!!!! Saying Hellos!!!!!!! SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................................................................................
So many memories of my sweet husband to leave in Texas and the house. He loved Texas with all of his heart! He was more from Texas than Utah!!!! So many dreams we didn't get to fulfill here. So many WHYS??????? I keep saying it's just a house. But we loved the house, we loved being here doing things together. My heart hurts tonight!!!! I haven't cried in over a week, but tonight I find my self in tears!!!I thought I was getting stronger, but now I just feel weak and feel panic!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are strong Tauna. The weak ones never cry. Love and blessings to you.
